As a Beit Tefillah – a House of Prayer – Temple Ahavat Shalom provides a place of spiritual nourishment and renewal for all in an often chaotic world. Through our worship experiences we aim to touch the heart, engage the mind, and uplift the spirit.
We are rock stars and poets, drummers and dreamers, foodies and scholars. We dance, sing, embrace, and every now and then, barbeque. Our Worship experiences may be traditional, experiential, reflective, or eclectic. We dig down into Torah and flirt with the unconventional. But in the end, our services reinvigorate our minds and comfort our souls.
Friday Evening
Every Friday evening we swing open our doors and our community comes home for Shabbat services. We welcome any age, any background, any level of observance, as all are embraced. At our Oneg Shabbat, following services, we get a chance to schmooze with old and new friends as we come together to relish in a few carbs and toast to Shabbat.
B'nai Mitzvah Services
TAS holds Saturday services whenever a student becomes B’nai Mitzvah. Our morning service begins at 10:15 am and our afternoon service begins at 4:45 pm. B’nai Mitzvah services are open to the community. To check when TAS has upcoming Saturday services, please visit our calendar.
Tot Shabbat
1st Saturday of the Month
Tot Shabbat services are geared towards families with children ages 0-5. Our fun and engaging half hour service includes songs, prayers, story and a Torah parade. Following the service, families stay to play, snack, and enjoy Shabbat together. Please visit our calendar for Tot Shabbat dates and times.

Upcoming Events
High Holy Days
The High Holy Days mark a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and clean slates.
Shivah Minyan
We hope you find these resources useful in helping to plan and lead a Shiva Minyan.
Join Us
Join in and become a part of the community and celebration at Temple Ahavat Shalom.